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Mrs. Prentice
I am the Executive Head teacher of the Swale Academy Trust Primary Schools in Eastbourne. Our family of schools include Shinewater Primary School, Langney Primary Academy, Parkland Infant School and Parkland Junior School. I work closely with senior leaders at Shinewater supporting the strategic development of the school and teaching and learning initiatives

Mrs Kaufman
I’m proud to be the Headteacher of Shinewater School.

Miss Wilson
I am the Inclusion and SEMH Manager for the school. I enjoy working with children and parents throughout the whole school, from Nursery to Year 6

Mrs Rigby
I am the Assistant Head teacher at Shinewater

Miss Broder
I am the Nursery teacher at Little Sunshine Nursery! I love having fun, learning through play and going on lots of adventures with the youngest children at Shinewater!

Mrs Underhay
I am the nursery TA. I enjoy working with the 2,3 and 4 year olds.

Miss Fuller
I am a TA in the Nursery. I enjoy having fun with the little by playing and learning all day.

Mrs Wilkinson
I am the Hedgehog teacher in Reception. I also lead the EYFS.

Mrs Wilkins
I teach Squirrels class in Reception and I’m the art and DT coordinator.

Miss Harrison
I am a TA in Reception.

Mrs Sullivan
I’m a TA in Reception 3 days a week.

Miss Scott
I am a teaching assistant in Reception on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs Sands
I am a year 1 teacher. I help to lead Science across the school and run our garden club.

Mrs Marchant
I teach Year 1 for three days a week on a Wednesday - Friday.

Mrs Maguire
I’m a TA in year 1.

Mrs Mans
I’m one of the year two teachers. I’m also the Maths lead.

Mrs Costello
I’m a year two teacher.

Miss Pink
I am an INA.

Mrs Cockett
I work with the children in year 2 and as an INA with a child who has additional needs.

Mrs Beeley
I am an Individual Needs Assistant in year 2.

Miss Duffin
I’m a year 3 teacher. I lead PSHE across the school.

Mrs Graham
I’m a year 3 teacher.

Mrs Mason
I’m a teaching assistant in year 3.

Mrs Martin
I’m a TA in year 3 and I’m also a Thrive Practitioner.

Mrs Wake
I'm teaching in year 4. I'm also part of the maths leadership team.

Miss Eustace
I’m a year 4 teacher.

Ms MacEnhill
I’m a teaching assistant in year 4.

Mrs Williams
I am the Deputy SENDco/HLTA supporting Inclusion manager.

I’m the school counsellor across the Swale academies.

Mrs Haffenden
I work at Breakfast Club and After School Club and I am one of the MDSA’s.

Mrs Astridge
I am a MDSA.

Miss Davenport
I am currently on maternity leave.

Mrs Hunt
I am currently on maternity leave.

Mr Cotton
I'I'm a year 5 teacher. I have a particular responsibility for History and Geography and I'm Phase Leader for Upper Key Stage 2.

Miss May
I am a Year 5 teacher. I am part of the maths team and run a mixed football club after school.

Mrs McPherson
I am the year 5 Teaching assistant.

Mrs Osborne
I am a trainee teacher in Year 5.

Miss Jarman
I am part of the English team at Shinewater along with Mrs Harris and Mrs Hunt and I have particular responsibility for reading and writing.

Mrs Smith
I teach year 6. I also lead music in our school and run the choir.

Mrs Chatterton
I’m a year 6 teaching assistant.

Mrs Etherton
I’m a teaching assistant in year 6 and run the art club

Mrs Howard
I am an Individual Needs Assistant in Year 6.

Mrs Boddy
I’m the Computing Specialist teacher. I teach children from Reception to Year 6. I am also lower key stage 2 Phase Leader.

Mrs Harris
I am a specialist English teacher and I am part of the English team at Shinewater along with Miss Jarman and Mrs Hunt. I work with children across the School to support their learning; I especially enjoy helping children with their phonics work and with their reading.

Mrs Dyke
I am the Outdoor Learning Teacher. We are very lucky at Shinewater to have our own enclosed woods where we can toast marshmallows on an open fire!

Mr Anderson
I teach PE and French across the school. I am very passionate about all sports and love to teach children of all ages. I am fluent at speaking French as I lived in Belgium.

Miss Spiller
I work 3 days a week supporting children with maths across the school.

Mrs Andrew
I work in the office. I deal with some finance and personnel which keeps me very busy.

Mrs Knight
I work in the office answering the telephone and sorting out all the paperwork.

Mr Hubbard
I look after attendance at the school. Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns around your child’s attendance.
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