Little Sunshine Nursery
Young children learn through play. Never underestimate the value of play. It is a young child’s work. Through play your child is discovering new things about the world. They will be developing new skills and building new relationships. The Nursery curriculum is based on the ‘Areas of Learning’ set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. The Seven Areas of Learning:
i. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
ii. Communication and Language
iii. Physical Development
iv. Understanding the World
v. Mathematics
vi. Expressive Arts and Design
vii. Literacy
Our aim at Little Sunshines Nursery is to provide a safe and caring environment where children can develop through play and hands-on experiences.
A child's development is complex: social, emotional, physical, intellctual and moral aspects are all inter-related. We are committed to instilling in our children feelings of self worth and confidence. We will nurture their ability to build positive social relationships, develop self-discipline, become curious about the world around them and fully engage their minds with an eagerness to learn.

Not only will your child be individually planned for, they will also have the opportunity to use the Library. The Nursery has a selection of books from which your child will be encouraged to borrow each day. We also have a “Big Book Borrower and Bear” and each child will be able to take this home to share with you and bring it back to share with us.You may wish to help them choose a book in the morning. They will also have the opportunity to take part in a number of cooking and tasting activities. Our children are very fortunate to have an Outdoor Learning session once per week with an experienced leader as well as a P.E. session. This all helps prepare the children for their smooth transition into Reception.
Within our Nursery, our two year olds are provided with age appropriate resources and furniture. They also have access to all areas of our nursery including our outdoor area. The two year olds also spend “family time” with the preschool children which we find helps encourage speech and language development and build relationships.