Health & Wellbeing
Our approach adopts a Peer Mentor Programme. This has been very successful since its introduction. Older children take the responsibility, under adult supervision, of developing a relationship with others as either a one to one situation or group, encouraging them to talk, listen and to feel they are a valued of our school community.
At Shinewater Primary School and Nursery, we aim to promote the positive mental health and wellbeing of our pupils, staff and community. We recognise that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement. Our school is a place for children and young people to experience a nurturing and supportive environment that has the potential to:
Help children to understand their emotions and feelings better.
Help children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries.
Help children socially to form and maintain relationships.
Promote self esteem and ensure children know they count.
Encourage children to be confident.
Help develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks.
As a community school, we are also aware of our responsibility to the families of our children. There are a number of organisations which offer support for all ages who may feel they would benefit from support.
Some quick and easy ways to keep Healthy Bodies!
Check your child’s book bag - we regularly give out leaflets with information regarding sporting clubs and activities,
including free opportunities, for after school, holidays and weekends.
Check this A-Z of Sport and Leisure in our local area! This has hundreds of sports clubs and activities, available for all age ranges.
Try the Outdoor Fitness Playground in the Archery Recreation Ground (Seaside) or in Adur Park in Stone Cross!
Keep hydrated! A re-usable bottle can be bought for less than 20p at Tesco! Aim to drink at least 1 litre of water a day to keep yourself fresh.
Out of inspiration for cooking? Try googling ‘healthy, quick recipes’ or ‘healthy food on a budget’, or ‘time saving recipes’ and you will be spoilt for choice!
Make a meal planner - a fantastic way to ensure you aren’t making those ‘quick-fixes’ in a rush that aren’t as good for us! Plan ahead, and when you have time, bulk cook! Meal planning also helps you save a great amount on your food budget.
Health in Mind
The free NHS service for residents of East Sussex experiencing stress, anxiety or low mood. Their skilled therapists provide the support you need to feel positive and in control again. Rapid access courses, secure online referral, one to one therapy, by phone, online and face to face. Available across East Sussex
Tel: 03000 030 130
Email: spnt.healthinmind@nhs.net
Get Well, Stay Well, Prevent Crisis
Drop in support for adults (aged 16 years +) available
5 days a week. Find more information about this service
Tel: 01323 405330
Email: eastbournewellbeingcentre@southdown.org
Sussex Community Counselling
Low-cost counselling by a BACP-accredited service offered in Newhaven, Lewes, Hailsham and Eastbourne (includes funded youth counselling in the Havens area).
Find more information about this service
Tel: 01273 519108
Email: counselling@sussexcommunity.org.uk
(Bereavement and grief support for children)
East Sussex Community Information Service
This website offers advice on ‘Advice, Support and Law’, ‘Family Services’, ‘Health’ and ‘Transport and Environment’ information.
Open for Parents Website
Information, advice and support for parents and carers who want to support their child’s development and well-being, who may be experiencing some difficulty with managing their child’s behaviour or who simply want some tips and strategies for dealing with common childhood and teen issues. We want everyone in a parenting role in East Sussex to feel supported and ensure that East Sussex is a great place to grow up.
Raising children can be a physical and emotional roller-coaster! And that’s why mums and dads need all the support they can get – not only to help them through the joys and challenges of being a parent, but also to keep their own relationship strong.
Parenting teenagers can be challenging and many parents find it hard to adapt to changes in their child's behaviour as they grow up. Here you'll find lots of practical advice on how to deal with common teen issues.
Lists groups that offer help with everything from housing to caring for others.
East Sussex Parent Carer Forum
The forum for parent carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in East Sussex
24hr free National Domestic Violence Helpline
0808 2000 247
0300 999 5428 LGBT helpline
Mental Health and Well-being support
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
World Health Organisation
"Health can be defined as physical, mental, and social well-being, and as a resource for living a full life"
Christian Nordqvist